Monday, August 2, 2010

Puff the Magic Pastry

THIS is how they make Samosas. Mmmmmmmmmmm. 
Hmm I kinda like my title for today.

Well, last night I had a dream that I was in a cooking competition with Chef Ramsey hosting. The theme was puff pastry and we had about 14 minutes to make something delicious. I wish it wasn't 14 minutes because by the time I diced my onion and cooked the ground beef for my puff pastry filling, my sous chef was freaking out because the time was up and we hadn't even started filling the pastry. It was a nightmare but an inspiration as soon as I woke up.

I think I'll be making my puff pastry dream recipe sometime this week. The recipe...I'll reveal once I try it, taste it and hopefully like it. But for now here are a couple recipes I found online that I found tasty and hopefully I get to make them all.

The theme for my choice was "savory" puff pastries. The first one I found was on Savory Sweet Life's blog for a {Simple Yet Fancy}Caramelized Onion Tart recipe. I love me some yellow onions, butter, ricotta and parmesan cheese. What a great picture they posted as well.

Not only did I think of puff pastry today, I had hot dogs on the brain. I can't resist a good hot dog and what better way to celebrate this meat by wrapping it with pastry? Check out Pepperidge Farm's Franks Under Wraps. Tell me what you think.

Lately I've become a fan of It's a great site for sharing recipes, reading reviews and feedback. One interesting recipe I found was a Steak Pie submitted by JIMZGRL (cute name). I don't think 10,889 people would have saved this recipe if it wasn't delicious. So that's on my menu for this fall when it's time to break out the savory, warm and filling dinners my family has come to enjoy when the weather gets colder.

Finally, it's still summer so why not learn to make some samosas for an outdoor cocktail party? I found a recipe that is vegetarian friendly on Mo + Ray's Kitchen blog. Their Samosa Puffs looks so appetizing and I'm pretty sure it tastes just as good.

So I have my kitchen time cut out for me. It's time I turn my dream into a reality of puff pastry magic in my mouth (that's what she said).

Have a great day! Stay cool.

"Best Samosas EVER!" photo courtesy of Alicia Nijdam from Flickr Creative Commons.

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